Now there is a question to make us all wonder. Has it ever occurred to any of us that have been afflicted in one way or another with what society calls "mental illness" that we're possibly just in transformation? A subset of the human race that's becoming more aware of it's feelings and moods as society as a whole moves toward the madness of production and technology and becomes disconnected from a greater purpose?

Personally, I have been set free so to speak after my second major manic episode this year. Set free of the boundaries that society as a whole lives under. I notice things that many others don't. It's left me without any anger or aggression, just a feeling of peace in realizing for the first time in my life that there is more to this existence than the physical world that we all see, feel and experience.

I feel that I've reached an apex that many don't realize until their death. I saw that first hand in the death of my father 4 years ago, when I was there at his bedside telling him it was time for him to move on to his next life.

He was not a believer in such things and would always argue with me about metaphysical stuff as I had been leaning toward it for years now. In that one lucid moment just 2 days before his death, he would not argue with me, but instead nod in agreement while a tear flowed down his cheek. He was a mans man, who held his emotions close and didn't let anyone in, it was his way.

That nod and tear spoke volumes as he now realized that I was onto something. Lessons for him to take to his next existence.

Spirituality aside, there is anecdotal evidence that Bipolar Disorder itself is becoming more prevalent and studies are now underway that certainly seem to be pointing in the direction of Bipolar Disorder being an umbrella that envelops all neurotic and psychotic conditions of the mind including Schizophrenia. I know I've experienced just about all of them when I'm really ill. Panic Attacks, Cognitive Deterioration, Obsessive Compulsive, Hypochondria, Rage... you name it, I've lived it. And I've survived it.

So are we just the leading edge of a human race who will eventually be more in tune with themselves, with their feelings and surroundings? Will the term Bipolar Disorder become just Bipolar? Will the term Mental Illness be removed from the collective consciousness and people thought to be different be treasured and held high instead of ridiculed?

Wouldn't that be nice! Only time will tell.