just got off the phone with my credit card company... i owe a shit ton, and i didn't realize that the acct had been put into collections. i can't transfer money from canada to the us (where my card is) so i have to send a check, but by the time they get the check i will have racked up another 100$ in late fees. one third of the amount of the card, nearly one half, is fees and charges from the card itself.

we had a washer and dryer delivered today (via landlord) and i'm not sure how to install it, and not sure how much money our rent will go up... the old ones left quite a mess and now i have to clean the whole laundry room and bathroom.

i got a job but it's not full time and doesn't have a regular schedule, which is really what i want, something regular. but i have to take what i can get so that i can pay off the credit card.

then i found a nice table and chairs to replace the ones i sold to get money. they're cheaper, and everything. i have to go claim them tonight if i want them, but there's a couch in my kitchen from the living room that's there because we got a better free one, and it's my brother in law's but he wont take it back, so what do i do with it when i need to move the table and chairs in?

then this is in the background: my friend came to visit on the weekend from her year long travels and she silently judged me by looking at my weight and my lifestyle and seeing that i'm not one of the anarcho feminists that she "wants to build a community with". that i've sold out and am mainstream and blahdiblah, which is true, and i'm not stoked about that.

anyway, i got stressed out and ate an entire pizza and a bag of candy. didn't make me feel better, not like it usually does.  but now i'm tired and still stressing out and still have a ton of things to do.