eli lilly sucks. what a great statement will made tho. just so right on. i am really upset tho. i am very angry i am stuck on some medication for now....i remember passing out on zyprexa from hypoglycemia. it did indeed seem to get worse on it. i still have it but it really did seem to worsen then and hypoglycemia can reverse into diabetes. i have a sore on my foot that won't heal. so i worry, it is in my family too.

i don't trust that the fry, the abilify is much better. for some it is. but for me i still feel hormonal weirdness as well. yeah these affect hormones somehow i thnk too. i can't stand how the doctors just tell you to eat right and exercise, when the meds just make you gain no matter what. no matter if i eat like a bird most the time (well except pms mostly).

i forget who makes effexor. i am so mad at effexor. i am stuck on it! it is a nightmare to get off it! it might as well be crystal meth!!!

i am figuring out, ssri's helped set off my bipolarism in my 30s. i probably was already, but they made it worse and they also caused psychosis when withdrawing from them, at times when i knew i did not need them as i was too up...so i did the intutive thing and did go slowly off...and bam! universe turned inside out. i went on a trip for months. i could not snap out of it. so then i went to the hospital where they messed me up even more with mega overdose of meds. they always overdose in the hospital and then it takes months and months just to recover from that alone. so many do not and can not speak up when their meds are toxic. there are times i have not been able to too. like it may be difficult next appointment to talk about my human rights, because this clinic is busy labeling me "non-compliant"

i was non-compliant when i went to the hospital supposedly. that is, when i went off ssris in an intuitive self-preserving fashion. this non compliant word has got to go. it reminds me of corporate speak. proactive. etc.

well it is like the borg too.

once they label me non-compliant they will hardly hear what i have to say. they will see everything as an attempt to sabatoge the treatment process. grrrrr. they are all so fucked up.