my name, thedivinemsblue, is what my TAG (talented and glorious) teacher used to call me, maybe once or twice. it was something i wanted to be. it still is, that's why i use it. somedays i wake up feeling divine. but that's about one in three hundred.

she called me that just before this whole mess of moods and illusions and meds and intrusions started.

i've been talking (texting) to a friend from freshman year, the year punk broke (for me), all day. he's been reminding me of who i used to be... who i still am maybe?

anyway, i'm down to 35mg of effexor, down to 12.5% of the original dosage. that's pretty sweet, eh? i've really been feeling pretty awesome lately, generally feeling like i'm moving in the right direction. i'm getting back things that i've lost to meds... my sense of humore bing one of them. i'm lookin good, feelin great, havin a party.

also, thank you indigo for your comments, you're quite right. i'm not borderline, i'm going through effexor withdrawal. also, i've been over medded for 10 years! so, no wonder i'm having an identity crisis.