Could tell him off

Could talk back

But something about him

Said to me

That if I did that

He’d make things worse

And get them

To do psycho surgery.

My heart rate went up

I wished I was free

Because I so wanted

To be completely cheeky.

But they hold me

They force me

And are just too scary

To ever bother correcting.

He threatens, he accuses

I know he has

The power to shut me up

To prove I’m guilty

Of whatever he wants to say

I’m guilty of.

There’s no chance

To prove my innocence.

I am condemned

As harmful.


It’s a damn lie

So why?

Well, can’t do

What they do

To innocent people eh?

That’d not be okay.

They accuse, belittle and threaten

And there’s nothing I can do

To change them.

It’s up to someone else.

Someone else’s job.

If they care about me

They won’t let

Them take me into custody.

They won’t let them

Fill my body with toxins,

Electrocute and destroy.

They’ll stand up and say:

‘She’s my friend you bastard

Go the fucking hell away.’