My mind is like a garden maze
There is a hedge with doors sectioning off the chambers
Some of the doors have been opened, some slightly ajar and some knocked down altogether
At least one chamber has a key and stays locked, it is for the little one secrets
There is an oubliette where the little ones are held hostage by the ANGRY ones
Sometimes the ANGRY ones hurt the little ones
It's because they are VERY BAD
There is a garden moderator and a manager
When the garden manager is in charge everything runs smoothly
Sometimes the moderator helps with this
There is a great deal of strife in the garden
All of the garden people are fighting for control
If the little ones get control it can be like utter confusion and chaos
If the ANGRY ones get control they will unleash their fury on anyone within reachable distance
The best scenario is when the garden manager is in charge and the moderator steps in to resolve these disputes
I know this must all sound crazy to you my friend
And maybe you are frightened by my garden
If you stick around a while you will see that the garden is growing
The work of integration is taking shape, soon all the garden people will be one
If you stay with us you will see the beauty of a sculpted self
I know sometimes I seem too little and sometimes BIG and SCARY
Sometimes I am too much, we are all too much for any of us
If you wait around a while you will see the humanity of the garden
The garden is changing and one by one the little ones are being set free from their imprisonment
Soon the BIG ANGRY ONES will stop torturing them and they will learn to love
It will be beautiful when the self is integrated
You will see
Have patience and you will see the garden will be beautifu