well i hate to brag. i am just excited, well at first they were going to publish this one "another bird song" but now they want to also publish "medication blues" by me and lizzie and eric. then they will put a link up to the song. the magazine is breath and shadow and it should be in the next issue on january 26th. it is also online. it is a very good literary magazine by and for people who have disabilities. i get paid five dollars even. well it is a nice gesture. it makes it official.

this is my second time being published. i am a late bloomer in everything. i am 40 and just getting started on everything. well i was doing stuff all along. it is just i guess i share the work now more often. i also send off a million things to be rejected on a daily basis. it is all part of the process i guess.

i am woozy, not sure what to do about it. peace.