In a word Winter (I was going to say sucks) but it more like FLUX. One week it is 70* the next it is 30*. Then it is raining then it is a blizzard. She (Mother Nature) is like me. Can't focus on any one thing for to long.  I was out with my Upper Scooper again today trying to shovel out where the Hwy plow banked up my driveway again.

The plow driver came by in the middle of my struggle and took pity on this poor old lady. He turned around and went back past to the next street and turned again then and came back to my driveway and plowed as much of the mess as he could behind my mailbox into the ditch. I was almost on my knees in gratitude. He had eliminated half of the job for me. What a blessing that was. At 60 with bad knees and arthritis elsewhere all that shoveling can be a real hard task to handle. Funny thing is I hurt less outside in the cold than when I am inside in the nice heat from the wood stove. Wierd as that may seem.

I am still waiting on my goat to have her baby or babies. I have the baby monitor on each night. She is really getting a full 'milk bag' so it can't be to far off.  I am ready and can hardly wait.

I am working on my artistic abilities. Making my way through the book "Drawing on the Right Side of Your Brain. It's an amazing process. I have had trouble reaching the right side since I had my 2 small strokes. But I am getting better at it now with the help of the exercises in the book. I didn't used to have trouble with that but now I have to recreate the connections.

I live alone and am wondering if I should try to find a room mate. It would have to be someone who has an income like me. I am on disability. There are no jobs around here for anyone. I guess the whole country is like that. This is a good place if a person likes semi country living. Hobby farm kind of lifestyle. Tonight it is beautiful out there. An almost full moon has it looking like daylight on the white snow and the night sky isalways  a plethera of stars. Something city folks can't even imagine.

Oh jees' I just happened to think Full Moons are when babies are usually born.It is supposed to be real cold tonight then warm up for the weekend. I hope it is warm enough to help save the babies from freezing.

Ok that is enough of my mind wanderings. I am going to do some surfing before I go to bed. Night all. I am so glad I found this space.