Art, Creating, Giving Birth to the World
Submitted by Awen on Fri, 11/26/2010 - 11:09pmI remember we talked about sharing our art. I don't feel comfortable doing that in the general forums, but I wanted to share some stuff I had photos of. I thought maybe in this topic we could keep posting stuff we've done. Did someone start that already though? I am sorry if I forgot!
Huh. I have no idea how to get an image from my computer on here. Does anyone have suggestions?
Awen I just LOVED all your
Awen I just LOVED all your artwork that I saw - I got the email notifications and saw the artwork by clicking on each of them, but then I noticed that I can't find it by navigating from the main book club page. Are your art pieces still here?
I get so confused by the visual elements of the "groups" format. Especially with the teasers and posts being separated, and the order of the posts being constantly switched around, and the fact that I get a notification for each individual post instead of just one for the whole thread like on the main site. I wish I had thought to suggest changes for these confusing elements back when they were re-doing the whole site. Does anyone else find these things "clunky" and confusing? Oh, and it makes me "preview" each comment or post that I make before submitting, which makes it really easy to erase something by accident because I think I've already posted it when really I'm just looking at the preview.
at the top of this page it
at the top of this page it says wiki calender gallery and contact. Images are in Gallery. I am confused by the "add comment" and "reply" options sometimes. It makes it so you can reply in the middle of a thread ( i think i just did) which is confusing because then you don't know what order things are in. if you reply at the bottom it gets tinier and tinier. maybe we should do add comment everytime and ignore reply as an option? i dunno.
Sweet! I found them. One
Sweet! I found them. One thing that makes a difference which post you click 'reply' under, is that's the only post you can see while writing your reply. It does feel clunky to me, but it's still functional, sort of. Mainly I'm just glad to be a part of this group and really appreciate everybody's sharing and insights! And I will say again, Heather this artwork is just amazing. I want to come back and say more specific comments later, for now I need to get in the bed!
Wow, thank you! I am kinda
Wow, thank you! I am kinda self conscious about my art due to being in snobby art world at times in my life, so it means a lot to me to hear that you like it! I am doing mosaics now, there is something hypnotizing about gluing little borken tiles onto things and trying to make them fit.
Well, to make this more complicated, I only ever see the REPLY option, not add comment. Yeah this is not the easiest thing, but it works well enough for me. I hate the teaser thing though. But I am impulsive and impatient and I skip steps a lot, so it's more my issue. I am not what I'd call a detail oriented person. LOL
Oh yeah and the preview comment thing screws me up sometimes too.
"It's the end," said the caterpillar. "It's the beginning," said the butterfly.
no idea
no idea