I saw the new pdoc on thursday, and we discussed events in my childhood that I felt pretty uncomfortable discussing.  I told him I found it difficult, but at the same time I understood he was trying to take a history.  It is pretty difficult to discuss anything about my childhood without discussing things relating to the source of the trauma, so it's pretty useless having a discussion that just skirts around it.  So how to handle this?  I guess I should mention this is a pdoc who does psychotherapy and is doing an assessment of me.

So I said I found it hard to talk about my childhood, so he said is it better if I ask questions, and I said okay.  But then it became useless so I just dived into some really central issues to my trauma.  He asked a question about it, and I said, I don't want to answer that, and he couldn't understand why not and then made a correct guess at the answer.  Then we had a long discussion of the issues which was uncomfortable but on some level a relief, because I live with a lot of secrecy.

Well, I have been a basketcase since.  I have thought of things that I haven't thought of in years, like possibly 20 years.  I was somebody today that i'd kind of forgotten about.  I'd honestly kind of forgotten what depression means, but that word doesn't even seem like the right word.  Just everything I look at is yelling shit at me.

The thing is i'm pretty confused.  because I'm also reducing my antidepressants, very slowly and I have been since march.  I made a reduction on the 26th, and I was really happy that I had had no withdrawal symptoms to speak of with this reduction.  So that was day 12 after the reduction that I had the appointment.

I felt up to the appointment that I was doing really well, kind of sitting on the fence as to whether I even want/need therapy.  So what is going through my head is, was I kidding myself that I was happy?  Am I correct in my own self-assessment that I was doing well?  This is just spinning in my mind.

I have to be honest with myself (you all): there is a big part of me that wants to talk about all the trauma with someone, and kind of likes the interest and attention this man has shown. But then, when i see what I've written just there, I think, isn't that the trauma all over again, what I endured because I felt alone and liked the attention?  Funny that way.  So I'm thinking he doesn't have enough sensitivity around trauma to do anything for me that hasn't already been tried.  I have discussed the trauma before.  It has never been comfortable.  i think it was harder this time because I had been feeling really good, whereas in the past I was already feeling like crap when I discussed it, hard to remember as it has been a while.  I do know I have not thought about self-harm in a long time and other thoughts that surfaced today.  I honestly do not believe this is about my medication.  I guess what it comes down to is, I'm  vulnerable because I'm painfully lonely, in some way, and that makes me vulnerable to the possibility of opening up to the wrong person.  As in, he's probably not a bad guy, but I'm not sure he has anything new to offer me.

I guess there is the idea out there that it is normal for therapy to be a painful process.  That you don't get better without pain.  That once you've truly healed, you can  easily discuss painful events as if they were just a day at the office.  The fact that our discussion made me go off the deep end means I have a lot of work to do, etc. etc.  I think these are ideas i've absorbed from childhood and other sources that maybe aren't very helpful.  I think I shouldn't feel that I need this man to fix me.  I feel confused by being moved in some way by his interest in me.  I know that sounds lame, but it's the truth.  I see myself from the outside but also from within.  So I see that my loneliness makes me vulnerable and needy, but also I feel the overwhelming need.

I think maybe he pushed too hard, and I am attached to him in some way like I was to my abuser.  I know how messed up that sounds, hard to believe this is me talking.

This idea makes it hard to decide what is acceptable.  I can't believe I'm even stuck on this, this doesn't sound like me, does it?  Well, any thoughts on this are welcome, but anyway I guess I needed to write about it somewhere more private than the blog.  Sarsha, I replied to your post but the spam filter wouldn't let me through.  I don't think I said anything priceless, though, just that I kind of get your feelings.