Things to tell our support system folks
Submitted by Awen on Mon, 11/22/2010 - 9:08amI was wondering what sort of things you have told people who suppport you to do to help you? I know most of us might not think we have any support but maybe we have a boyfriend or family member or romm mate.
For me when I am feeling like a little girl and sobbing or so scared that I cannot stop staring at the door, it helps if my Mom says "How old are you? What year is this? Name five red things in the room" and she can snap me out of the hypnotic flashback state.
Anyone else find specific things that allow our supporters to help us and not just get frustrated and worried?
I have asked people to
I have asked people to simply tell me what it is that I'm doing, to help me be self aware in those moments where it goes. For me this is a good support measure whether its a flashback, panic, or if its a symptom of bipolarness, however the "not myselfness" is manifesting. It really works to have someone mirror it back to me, because I can be pretty good at taking care of myself once I know what is wrong. The problem comes when I'm panicking or having racing thoughts and don't notice that that is happening, just get caught up in it and swept along without mitigation. In the past a supportive friend said to me "are you panicking now?". She also gave me a bracelet she made that has somesort of special bead on it, so that when I get anxious I could look down at this tangible object and remember that I have a supportive friend who cares. This was amazingly helpful, somehow, particularily when going into doctors appointments where you kind of feel like you wish you had a friend in the room.
i really like that touch
i really like that touch stone bracelet!!!!!
"It's the end," said the caterpillar. "It's the beginning," said the butterfly.
At the end of this article are a lot of forms that have helped me. And I made xeroxs for therapists and my Mom, so they had a better idea of stuff. The WRAP form in particular, and also the forms about what meds you will or will not take, doctors you will or will not see, stuff like that. But because of the WRAP form and how I wrote that when my eyes get huge and my lips press together it means I am fading away in terror and being a little girl, my Mom now knows that when she sees that face she needs to respond differently to me, therapist learned that too. Stuff like that. And having a daily wellness action plan helped in crisis - Knowing I had to go outside and eat and relax....
"It's the end," said the caterpillar. "It's the beginning," said the butterfly.