I agree with your psychiatrist Sarsha, actually.  I did Ressurection After Rape - a great book - on my own even though the book said not to, and it made my symptoms climax.  I ended up in the hospital and it was a very dangerous time, I was so gung ho about getting better, I pushed myself.  I wasn't safe, I didn't have a place to process what I was reading.  The end result was good - I was able after the hopsitalization to see that the rape happened to me and not this poor 14 yr old stuck in a time warp that I couldn't help, just watch her being raped endlessly, but it should have been something I got safer.  I personally do not have any sense of what is safe for me.  I am so dissociated, I have no sense of what I am feeling, and when I do feel they could be totally from the past and wrong, so I never know what is abusive, what is hurting me - If I feel normal then it possibly is a very abusive situation and if I feel terror it may be that nothing is hurting me and I am dying inside of fear waiting for it to happen.  I feel worthless.  These things make it unsafe for me to drive, date or work. I am such a loser.
Last night I saw my new therapist and I told her about the murder I saw and she said "You must feel like a bad person for not trying to stop that."  WHAT?  I said, "No" and she said "Then it wasn't traumatic" and I said "Yes it was because I knew then that i could be murdered."  She made me feel like such a terrible person for not trying to stop a murder that was spontateous and i had no idea was going to happen even when it happened.  I hate her.
So I have been doing so well and been so functional and happy and at peace and then as usual I see a therapist and my life turns to shit.  I called suicide prevention like the mental health people said to, but they had no suggestions for the fact that i was so triggered by the therapist that i wa shaving (and am still having) derealization - everything is very grey and muted, I cannot feel my body, and everything is sorta of darker like it's far away.  I don't have skills for this.  So I wanted to kill myself.  I cannot get better.  There are no good therapists and no help.  i cannot learn this on my own - I contact all the programs and hospitals but what I need doesn't exist.  I was trying to figure out what to do so I thought the crisis number would help, but she had nothing to say besides go to the E/R so I hung up.  An hour later out of the blue the police arroved, triggering me even more.  That has never happened to me before.  I feel like a failure, I moved here and was doing well and then I went to therapy ans as always I got insane afterwards and had no suppoprt and I am suicidal.
I talked to a trauma specialist profressor at SUNY New Paltz (see, I don't give up) and she said the only treatment for trauma that works is something called Pat Rifts or something, a cognitive thing, so I had my therapist in VT look it up and it's for traumatic brain injury, which I don't have.  It is also based on immediately going in and attacking the traumas faceon.  I think that would kill me.  I don't have skills for flahsbacks, for depersonalization, etc.  I need to be safe with myself first.  The other thing everyone wants to offer is EMDR - but that doesn't work if you are hypervigilant or dissociated according to this trauma expert - I have done it and never felt a thing change, so she's right, but EMDR is what all the shrinks who say that are trauma specialists do. 
So my VT therapist says I need to look for a dissociative states therapist who can work on safety and coming to the room and being with myself and not wanting to get safe/kill myself.  MORE WORK.
I am having her fill out forms for the hospopitalization day program - it's DBT all day which is what I did in VT.  That program is the only thing that helped me become "normal" and able to live with my feelings.  I hope I get in.
I feel helpless and hopeless 110%.  I want to die because I cannot get better, there is no safe therapist and I will not get the skills I need.
Sorry, it's just a motherfucker of a day.  I hate myself.

I guess I should read the book you're reading, Sarsha, but what i want is something that tells me what to DO to make this stop and to feel safe.  I don't want anymore info on trauma and what it does to me.  I want to learn to feel better.  I cannot take this anymore.  I feel like I should die because I cannot make this derealization and suicidality go away and no one is trained to help me and I am tired of this.  No one canm love me like this, I cannot work or drive, I am crazy, I make no sense, it must be frustrating and awful for anyone near me, and they only get pushed away if I tell them what I am feeling and then I hate myself more. 

I was thinking last night, if PTSD leads to either therapy or alcoholism, and I did 19 desperate years of shitty therapies, then maybe I need to be an alcoholic.  I have TRIED, I have given it my all, been gullible as hell, took every pill and saw every program I was told to see and I got worse.  So if therapy is bad for me, what can I do?  Heroin again.