I don't really have much to say right at this moment in time. In fact... trying to go into detail about how I feel right now would be commiting a great injustice to the moment.

2 weeks ago I was in Grants Pass, OR visiting for the first time in almost a year. I was walking around downtown, reaquainting myself with the local shops. I stepped into an old favorite store of mine called The Toadstool. It's a shop where they sell alternative fashions, left-wing posters and other really neat miscellanious items. I was bs-ing with the guy at the counter when I saw a flyer on the counter glass that really caught my eye. I picked it up and started reading it. I folded up the paper, put it in my purse, purchased my items and left. After stepping back outside into the unusually warm March day I pulled the flyer from my purse and felt the urge to cry. Not unhappy tears, though. For only the second time in my life I was reading about a mindset... a true belief that was identical to mine. The first time being a blog from a "famous" photographer.

This time though I could actually have a chance at being on the same level as other people. People just like me.  Not just relate through scraps of literature to someone who I'll probably  never get to talk to.

The flyer I'm referring to was an Icarus Project flyer.

Today is my first time getting to check out the site. It's beyond beautiful.

I get to have a place where I am mentally, emotionally and physically free to be me, Bri Ferguson. I'm not something that needs to be medicated, counselled, institutionalized, set aside, treated gently, treated horribly, talked about and sneered at. Here I am exactly what I've silently tried to tell myself, convince myself of for years... beautiful, unique, gifted and talented.  

Thank you for what you guys have started.