(this article originally appeared in my myspace blog)

I have to wear this electronic tag thingie for a 6-week curfew.

A chap from Securicor came round to put onto me. He was really nice, a really obese guy with a shaved head and a haircut that was neither a mullet or a mohican, but probly a deliberate mistake.

He asked me for id and I laughed said no-one would want to pretend to be the person who'd got a tagging order, but of course they're dead cool now, and he said loads of people do.

I'm tagged after being found guilty of 2 counts of criminal damage.

One was for smashing a bottle onto a police car, which I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have even thought of doing at the time, but I changed my plea to guilty to save the hassle and because I was tripped out recently on religious self-help books.

The other crime was for smashing a breezeblock into the window of my local Army Recruitment Centre, which I also pleaded guilty to, and I am glad to say that I actually did do this, although it's one of the few things in my life I don't feel any guilt about whatsoever.

So it was stupid and I was displacing anger about being thrown out of Rouge bar into political channels, and it's changed nothing, so what?

Sticking 2 fingers up at the death machine once in a while I think is healthy,  and yes I wouldn't last ten minutes in jail, now and again I say I don't care too much.

Some fucking future I've got if we can't stop dropping bombs when our whole species is poised on the brink of extincting ourselfs!

And would I encourage other people to brick Army Recruitment Centres?

By now I've been nicked for so much insane stuff in the name of proving that the world is insane, and I still walk free (although I have to be in by 9 each night for the next 6 weeks)

And the best we can do as a nation is a class trip through London every 3 months? So defiant we march round roundabouts the right way!

I don't expect everyone to share my views, and I'm glad you all don't, because it takes all sorts to make a world, but living in a genocide state, I'm just so glad everyone gets to go to heaven and laugh forever or reincarnated when they're dead, because if all those kids catching bombs REALLY mattered, I wouldn't be quite so cheerful for sure.