People reffer to depression/bipolar disorder giving it names colours and shapes.Thta's what people do.

"I crushed my car last week and the minute of the crush I think it was King Kong trying to split my guts."

Churchill thought it was a dog.A black dog with no master,a stray dog who could just barge in to his house make a mess and then leave.

And then come back again.And then leave.And then come back again......

Does  this dog ever have enough?Jesus!Lolololo.

I like dogs,I have two and I can't think of it like that.

I like the way they lick my nose.Dogs love noses  for some reason people!!!!!!!Either that or they do it because it's the first thing of your face they see and because it's there.

Truth is I don't know how to see it.At some time I was a "blue" smurf.

Not that Smurfita (greek name!!!) blond character,I am not blond.

But any other smurf.All smurfs are blue right?

I was the "bluest" of them all!!!!!!!!And the most pissed off one.

I don't want to look at it that way anymore.

For one Smurfsare a happy blue(of course ...) light of my childhood but it belongs back there in the '80's.

Second,none told that smurf who complaint all the time that a drug is a must .

Last ,not least and more important I grew up I think a little.

I can come up with a grown up adult analogy/metaphor of a movie or a book but will it be ok?

Solid?Feel it in my gut?


There's this Greek novelist Margarita Karapanou her name,she passed last year I think.

She's the only person I 've ever seen on Greek tv who spoke openly about her manic depressive issues.

"A disease!!!" as that lame ass stupid fuck hot shot journalist stated a few times...(ungry smurf issues I know....).

On that interview she said what it was like for her.

Sounds almost like a black dog knocking at the door.

-Hi I am Jack and I am gonna stick around here for a while.I'll do my thing and pee everywhere you don't want me to and you will be mad and not be able to write.

-Hi there Jack,knock your self out.

I got the feeling she accepted it."Sure Jack comes,patience though,sooner or later he ll be out of my way and I'll be able to write again."

And she wrote her experience with the disease in a book.

Never read it and I am unaware of her approach to it.

The thing is I always wanted to read that book and always felt scared.

" you really want to open that door???".

Score from Jaws and so on and on.Creepy.

Well not anymore.