Big red fucking roses.

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At some point of the book "On writing" by Stephen King the writer explains the reason.

I quess the question is why.

"Why do I write".

On writing.

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Finished Stephen King's  "On writing " today.

Well it's true that King is not someone who you could call "next in the line up for a nobel prize" .And probably he doesn't want to stand there either after his car accident in 1999 wich he describes on the third section.

Can't touch it.

Churchill's dog and a greek novelist I am afraid to touch.

Drugs are good!!!!!!

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Used some greek keywords on bipolar disorder and no meds.

Came up with nothing.

Drugs are good.

A big bright blue sea.

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Jogging,mud & dust in the coukou's sea with a life jacket,Murakami and my knee all in to one big I think first post that I really enjoyed I have to say!!!!!!

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