Icarus organizers Eddy and Neil flew to Oxford England for the "First Global Conference on Madness." Read about it here and on Eddy's blog...

The conferance was a success, and Eddy and I really appreciate the help getting us out here.  It was a diverse bunch, with Brits, Americans, Canadians, Aussies, Eastern Europeans, and even a psychiatrist form Egypt.  Although I was definitely the only person tabling, I probably should have brought more stuff as I was able to sell the small amount I brought.

A couple of researchers from Latvia(!) were really excited about the HR guide to coming off psych meds, and a Canadian Law and Society professor said she's going to use Eddy's piece and the website in her class.  My favorite comment was from a Canadian philosophy grad student who went, "whoa, these are like old school zines!  with the xerox art and everything!"  I think we did a good job of talking to everyone, including some very nice but somewhat conservative psychiatrists.

I did a bit of the "this will really appeal to the young people you work with because its not mainstream," and although thats a little embarassing I got this Australian doctor to buy a HR guide, Navigating the spaces, and Friends make the best medicine, so hey.

anyway, cheers