What if my medication isn't doing anything?  What if it is my belief in the medication that makes it effective aka the placebo effect?  Then it is my mind that is truly responsible for my stability and not some sort of synthetic chemical compound.  Why am I taking something that is costing me money that I could use for more important things?  My medication keeps me tethered to my parents' insurance which prevents me from marrying my fiance.  Is this really necessary?  Do I really need this attachment, this binding?

What if my stability is due to the fact that I understand how my thoughts directly affect my brain chemistry and can correct the unhealthy thought patterns that cause the symptoms?  What if this, more than anything, is the cause of my stability and the medication is simply unneeded baggage?  What then?  

Indeed, this is the question of the week- should I remain dependent?  Is this a choice I should make alone or with the help of a doctor?  What do I need to do to remain healthy?  So many questions today with no cut-and-dry answers, no simple conclusion.  It is so much easier to take a pill and not think or put any effort into recovery and/or stability.  Maybe that's why meds are so prevalent in this society.  No one wants to do any real work and when people do, there are no resources available for them.  There are no commercial alternatives b/c someone has to pay the bills at the end of the day aka the drug companies.  They are directly threatened by alternative treatments which cut into their profits.  It's money, not the mental well-being of individuals that these companies value.  The glories of capitalism... 

Until next time (whenever that is)