spew spew spew spawning spawning

pain is good I guessed

pain is good I guessed

I feel like crying but I can't, I'll get some music, maybe it helps

eating the pills made me feel horrible. they got stuck to the throath. My friends father is a doctor and he said that the pills may corrode the troat tissues. so I washed it down.

ah the psy-trance music at Iso-Roba street. And house music. I reminded myself of my body and got to the trance. A healthy child lives through an emotion quickly. I danced my emotions.

I could write this only to myself, but they wouldn't understand, the cheeky grand children that start reading my diaries scetchbook-sheesh. DO you understand me

what could I tell you of the Helsinki night life?




and how about you? how do you feel?

now I'll go see if someone has wrote to my topic. and I'm scared that I insulted someone. I'm often scared that I insulted someone. Irreversably. And they will never like me again. Like like. Love is a different story. Cicero said something like this: true frendshit evolve when a person gets older and wiser. yeah it's not that easy.