

I like to think that the paranoid thoughts aren't true by telling myself that if they were true, someone would tell me... right? Someone would slip up, or someone would feel bad and see that what's happening is wrong, and they'd tell me. This world can't really be completely jam-packed with mean, scary people.... right? SOMEONE would tell me. SOMEONE would come up and say "Hey, girl I know about but never met, you're not crazy, people really are doing that", and I'd feel this huge weight off my shoulders, be really scared, and probably start crying and shaking.
But then I think, What if it's just all the 'wrong' people? What if the people that started this are way organized and only shared with others that they knew for a fact wouldn't tell me. But someone would leak it, right?? Someone would slip up. They'd have to slip up, you can't possibly keep a secret like that without cracking to SOMEONE, to at least one 'right' person. Isn't it impossible that a group of people could keep something like that without slipping up? They're not the Freemasons or some shit like that, right???
And what if it's somewhere on the internet? A cop or a 'right' person would have to find it and do something, right???? Or would it be like that kid that OD'd in front of his web cam, chatting to people while he took one pill at a time and other's encouraged it. He died in front of their eyes and no one stopped it. I think someone did something when he died... but that's way too little, way too late.
One of the scary things, to me, is recalling some statistic or study or something about how people in large groups tend to do less than say, one or two people. The more people that witness something, the less likely someone is to react because they assume that someone else will do it because they're in a crowd full of people. The thing is that almost everyone in that crowd is thinking that someone else will help, and no one gets helped. The most famous case is that of a woman running up and down her street, getting stabbed to death while her neighbors watched.
This gives me little hope.
The other thing that makes me feel like people 'know' is how they look at me. It's not that they look at me, it's how. I can't seem to escape the three-headed look no matter where I go, I get it from at least one person. Do I speak gibberish? Do I actually have three heads? What the fuck. I try to ignore it, but at the end of the day, it does get to me. I just want proof, damn it. Just some solid evidence that I'm not crazy, or that I am just paranoid. Just some fucking proof, damn it. I don't think my mind can last much longer if it keeps thinking the things it thinks. Granted I've been way better, (I can actually get some sleep and I don't sleep with a knife next to me anymore) but it still comes back, and eats up my nerves.


(the next posts will be more recent, I just wanted a base to let people know where i'm coming from, ya know).