my heart flutters
Submitted by wallflower on Thu, 11/13/2008 - 3:54pmHe said something today that just made me fall in love all over again.
Well he didn’t say it, he texted but that’s my generation for you. And when I share exactly what he said you might think I am silly to be head over heels for such a sentence but I am, so be it.
"Just wakin up. bout to have a cigarette and talk to the rain"
Talk to the rain? :::sigh::: that’s what I do, I say things like that, and I think things like that.
I think in beauty
I remember another time where he sent me a text and was like, "I'm smoking hookah in a Lebanese taverna, writing poetry"
I am in love with an amazing man. I sure hope I make him feel the way he makes me :)
#5 Dancing in the Rain
"We all need love. Love brings us joy and well-being. It is as natural as the air."
~Thich Nhat Hanh