me: god i have so much A now, it's awesome. this is lke a dream come true. now i can take it whenever i have a problem or issue to deal with.. it always gives me answers when i'm dealing with something in my life that i can't figure out, it always "heals" me

 Elexa: now now
4:54 PM that doesn't sound healthy
 me: srsly
  i mean not like every day
 Elexa: lol
  make sure to space it out
  don't want to fry your brain
 me: but like, this one time when my bf was cheating on me and i was failng a class, and couldn't concentrate because i was so upset.. i took acid.. and it gave me answers.. and after that, i was fine, i started getting As again, my BF came back to me and we were happy, and everything was totally perfect. it was weird.
4:55 PM this is when i was 19
  at reed
4:56 PM Elexa: right but now you're older
 me: there were other times when i was having a problem that i couldn't figure out, or when i was really stuck and anxious about something.. and it would straighten out my brain, get rid of the negative shit, and leave me feeling renewed and "more myself", more in tune with who i really am, what i want, and what's important.. and usually this would result in me getting better grades or being happier in my job or whatever
  it's not like every day. at most, once a month or less
4:57 PM it really helps you see who you really are and cuts out all the BS from your daily life that's not important.. but you still hang on to whatever IS important to you -- your goals, dreams, school, friends, etc. its like focusing.
 Elexa: except that its bad for your brain
4:58 PM me: no, it's not
  there have never been any tests that say it's bad for your brain
  ecstacy can be bad, if you take it a lot. alcohol kills brain cells. pot makes people have shitty memory. but there haven't been any real tests that prove anything bad about A --
4:59 PM anything you have heard was probably a myth designed to scare people away from drugs. srlsy i have researched this, because i loved A so much i wanted to make sure i wasn't harming myself or doing any long-term damage.
5:00 PM Elexa: just be careful
 me: i know
  i've been doing it for 14 years... over half my life
5:01 PM actually, 13. but still, almost half