Hey there. I’m new to this community as well and feel thrilled to have found it.

You’re intro felt so pertinent to my own life that I feel like sharing a recent break through in my own therapy. In particular, I want to respond to:

“there is this feeling of complete loneliness that nags at me, haunts me almost.”

My recent break through is finally understanding the true meaning of self acceptance. Until very recently, I have always thought that I fully and unconditionally accepted myself. In truth, I have always judged the “crazy” parts of me and attempted to “fix” them. In essence, I have spent my life trying to change parts of me into something they are not. Living this way kept me isolated and detached from those pieces of myself that I had not yet truly accepted, which is precisely what created the deep crater of emptiness and isolation inside me. Despite my best attempts, nothing in the universe could ever fill that crater except the missing pieces of my own being.