I haven't written anything here in so long.

In the past 4 months and a half, many things have happened:

I took several trips, I got over a broken heart, I moved, I lost many illusions, I found a partner who is amazing and amazing to me, and, and and, I went through a negative phase that did not turn out to be a total breakdown. Lamictal is working.

This is huge. It means I'm going to be able to have a normal life. I mean, not normal in a bad sense, but... I'm going to be able to not ruin everything when I fall back down twice a year. Yes I had a negative phase, I slept all hte time, failed a few classes and cried and worried too much. But I didn't fall into deep depression, I wasn't in unbearable pain, I didn't flee and drop everything I was doing... and now I'm slowing building myself back up.

I'm better. yay.