On Sunday, August 10th at 2am EST the site was briefly taken offline so we could merge forum users with blog/main site users and finally have a single login for the entire site (hooray!). While this is a good thing for the thousands of registered users on this site, there's over a hundred users who will have problems logging in if they didn't update their accounts beforehand (which nobody did). There are two main reasons you may have problems: 1) If there is a forum account with the same username as a blog account but with a different email address, one of the accounts will have '_2' tacked on the end (like 'nickb_2') and be treated as a separate account. If you don't do this it's not the end of the world, just send an email to admin [at] theicarusproject.net including your username and both email addresses and I will merge the accounts for you. If they aren't both your accounts, you'll probably want to change your username if it was the one that got _2 appended to it. You will have to contact me. Here are the usernames that were affected by this:

  1. 04240
  2. alex
  3. Angel
  4. annie
  5. annihilatetoddy
  6. Antman0128
  7. aranemone
  8. Bob R. Patterson
  9. candynosebleed
  10. Carey
  11. catbox
  12. celeste
  13. Chas
  14. chiechiechie
  15. CHyRO
  16. creativedoubt
  17. daedulus
  18. dipsomania
  19. Dizzy
  20. eduardo
  21. elizabeth
  22. euphoricblues
  23. fritzflohr
  24. fuchsia
  25. greenishtinge
  26. Hansgo
  27. herredheart
  28. hokeypokey
  29. hopeful
  30. ian
  31. icarus
  33. Jason
  34. Jayme
  35. Jeff
  36. jen
  37. jenlight
  38. jude
  39. Karen
  40. Kimberly
  41. Kody
  42. leo
  43. leslie
  44. lonewolf
  45. lotusfire
  46. lunAcy
  47. malakoa
  48. mariko
  49. marshallhijar
  50. Melissa
  51. Mentallyillest
  52. mental_meanderings
  53. Moonshadow
  54. Peep
  55. permafrost
  56. pushdownandturn
  57. rachel
  58. Ramesh1938
  59. ramsea
  60. RiverWinds
  61. ryan
  62. sallymanda
  63. sandpiper
  64. sarah
  65. scatter
  66. sealux
  67. Seth F.
  68. silverelf
  69. Sophia
  70. sophomania
  71. sparrow
  72. stdymphna
  73. StellaOfShalott
  74. subsonic
  75. SunstrOke
  76. Themis
  77. Tom
  78. TooMoods
  79. Twisted_princess_4_eva
  80. uncBob
  81. weallpoo
  82. zora
  83. zuni

2) If there are any special characters in your forum username (anything aside from a-z, A-Z, 0-9, '-', '_', '.' or ' ') those special characters were be replaced with underscores. I realize that makes a lot of usernames look stupid - sorry. If you'd like me to change your username to something else send an email to admin [at] theicarusproject.net.

Username Becomes
*** ___
*MJ* _MJ_
-=esgic=- -_esgic_-
-=Melissa=- -_Melissa_-
~UrShAdOw 2588~ _UrShAdOw 2588_
amy's mom amy_s mom
ariadneK, Ph.D. ariadneK_ Ph.D.
Aye! Aye_
[email protected] balloonmeister_riseup.net
banal*gal banal_gal
Benj@min Benj_min
birdlives! birdlives_
By Cloak, Hat and Mask By Cloak_ Hat and Mask
[email protected] Chriswillonline_yahoo.com
CO(NH2)2 CO_NH2_2
dani+ela dani_ela
[email protected] Dondelgade_aol.com
E'a E_a
e=mctwo e_mctwo
femma*k femma_k
Hijacked@26 Hijacked_26
I'mnotCrazy!?.AmI I_mnotCrazy__.AmI
iamavariablenota# iamavariablenota_
icarus'lovechild icarus_lovechild
james hodges? james hodges_
[email protected] jmaleycrp_AOL.COM
Johnny (A)utonomy Johnny _A_utonomy
k'ita k_ita
katherine o'brien katherine o_brien
[email protected] l0stdreams_yahoo.com
les86'd les86_d
luna* luna_
Mad Girl's Love Song Mad Girl_s Love Song
mental~meanderings mental_meanderings
missmiseryfuck! missmiseryfuck_
muad'dib muad_dib
noirdésir noird__sir
O'casey O_casey
pdxJ&C pdxJ_C
Phoenix> Phoenix_gt__lt_Ascending
pissed! pissed_
secret+resistance secret_resistance
She'sMel She_sMel
[email protected] sleevi_gmail.com
smash/bling smash_bling
sober&lifeless sober_lifeless
The Worst Comp Zine! The Worst Comp Zine_
tu'ulepeli tu_ulepeli
VirginiaWoolf************ VirginiaWoolf____________
Yeah! Yeah_
z?tl z_tl

Also, if you had an account on the forums and an account on the main site, and those two accounts had different usernames, I can merge them under one name if you like. again, just send an email to admin [at] theicarusproject.net with the usernames and the email addresses of each account.

If there are any bugs in this, please let me know and I'll see if I can fix them.

- Nick (Web Group Coordinator)