Submitted by nickb on Sun, 08/03/2008 - 10:13amOn Sunday, August 10th at 2am EST the site was briefly taken offline so we could merge forum users with blog/main site users and finally have a single login for the entire site (hooray!). While this is a good thing for the thousands of registered users on this site, there's over a hundred users who will have problems logging in if they didn't update their accounts beforehand (which nobody did). There are two main reasons you may have problems: 1) If there is a forum account with the same username as a blog account but with a different email address, one of the accounts will have '_2' tacked on the end (like 'nickb_2') and be treated as a separate account. If you don't do this it's not the end of the world, just send an email to admin [at] theicarusproject.net including your username and both email addresses and I will merge the accounts for you. If they aren't both your accounts, you'll probably want to change your username if it was the one that got _2 appended to it. You will have to contact me. Here are the usernames that were affected by this:
- 04240
- alex
- Angel
- annie
- annihilatetoddy
- Antman0128
- aranemone
- Bob R. Patterson
- candynosebleed
- Carey
- catbox
- celeste
- Chas
- chiechiechie
- creativedoubt
- daedulus
- dipsomania
- Dizzy
- eduardo
- elizabeth
- euphoricblues
- fritzflohr
- fuchsia
- greenishtinge
- Hansgo
- herredheart
- hokeypokey
- hopeful
- ian
- icarus
- Jason
- Jayme
- Jeff
- jen
- jenlight
- jude
- Karen
- Kimberly
- Kody
- leo
- leslie
- lonewolf
- lotusfire
- lunAcy
- malakoa
- mariko
- marshallhijar
- Melissa
- Mentallyillest
- mental_meanderings
- Moonshadow
- Peep
- permafrost
- pushdownandturn
- rachel
- Ramesh1938
- ramsea
- RiverWinds
- ryan
- sallymanda
- sandpiper
- sarah
- scatter
- sealux
- Seth F.
- silverelf
- Sophia
- sophomania
- sparrow
- stdymphna
- StellaOfShalott
- subsonic
- SunstrOke
- Themis
- Tom
- TooMoods
- Twisted_princess_4_eva
- uncBob
- weallpoo
- zora
- zuni
2) If there are any special characters in your forum username (anything aside from a-z, A-Z, 0-9, '-', '_', '.' or ' ') those special characters were be replaced with underscores. I realize that makes a lot of usernames look stupid - sorry. If you'd like me to change your username to something else send an email to admin [at] theicarusproject.net.
Username | Becomes |
*** | ___ |
*MJ* | _MJ_ |
-=esgic=- | -_esgic_- |
-=Melissa=- | -_Melissa_- |
~UrShAdOw 2588~ | _UrShAdOw 2588_ |
amy's mom | amy_s mom |
ariadneK, Ph.D. | ariadneK_ Ph.D. |
Aye! | Aye_ |
[email protected] | balloonmeister_riseup.net |
banal*gal | banal_gal |
Benj@min | Benj_min |
birdlives! | birdlives_ |
By Cloak, Hat and Mask | By Cloak_ Hat and Mask |
[email protected] | Chriswillonline_yahoo.com |
CO(NH2)2 | CO_NH2_2 |
dani+ela | dani_ela |
[email protected] | Dondelgade_aol.com |
E'a | E_a |
e=mctwo | e_mctwo |
femma*k | femma_k |
Hijacked@26 | Hijacked_26 |
I'mnotCrazy!?.AmI | I_mnotCrazy__.AmI |
iamavariablenota# | iamavariablenota_ |
icarus'lovechild | icarus_lovechild |
james hodges? | james hodges_ |
[email protected] | jmaleycrp_AOL.COM |
Johnny (A)utonomy | Johnny _A_utonomy |
k'ita | k_ita |
katherine o'brien | katherine o_brien |
[email protected] | l0stdreams_yahoo.com |
les86'd | les86_d |
luna* | luna_ |
Mad Girl's Love Song | Mad Girl_s Love Song |
mental~meanderings | mental_meanderings |
missmiseryfuck! | missmiseryfuck_ |
muad'dib | muad_dib |
noirdésir | noird__sir |
O'casey | O_casey |
pdxJ&C | pdxJ_C |
Phoenix> |
Phoenix_gt__lt_Ascending |
pissed! | pissed_ |
secret+resistance | secret_resistance |
She'sMel | She_sMel |
[email protected] | sleevi_gmail.com |
smash/bling | smash_bling |
sober&lifeless | sober_lifeless |
The Worst Comp Zine! | The Worst Comp Zine_ |
tu'ulepeli | tu_ulepeli |
VirginiaWoolf************ | VirginiaWoolf____________ |
Yeah! | Yeah_ |
z?tl | z_tl |
Also, if you had an account on the forums and an account on the main site, and those two accounts had different usernames, I can merge them under one name if you like. again, just send an email to admin [at] theicarusproject.net with the usernames and the email addresses of each account.
If there are any bugs in this, please let me know and I'll see if I can fix them.
- Nick (Web Group Coordinator)
This seems to be the only place this site will let me post anything!!! - I cant reply to any forum posts, create new forum topics, or anything! Please help? - much appreciated :)
going away... don't freak out
Hi my name is lloyd i just need to write as i dont know what else to do,i have felt like dieing since i was about 4 or 5 years old sure ive had shrinks and all the rubbish that goes with that but of course it never worked,ill give you a run down on a few things that have happened i hope someone understands well lets see my step dad was my dads best friend then he left and my step dad took his place of course all the beatins happened for 13 years since i was 2,i was in childrens homes and also lived with my nan that was ok though i grew up from then having the crap kicked out of me my mum went off to germany to be a hooker left me sitting on a wall hence why the childrens home,then i got abused by some pet shop owner my brother did as well but he got help i didnt i delt with it by myself as usaual then he abused i girl in a park and the little asshole got away with it christ knows how,then we went into high school well he was 3rd year i was 1st year he got bullied and bunked off nearly 3 years out of 5 but thanks to him i had to deal with all the people that bullied wich was about 150 people but i was lucky to not be a weak person like him so i managed to deal with that,then i left school got involved in a gang managed to get out of that then went into the army which was the worst thing i could of done as the bulling in there was very bad i.e when you get told you are going to be killed on excercise and you will not be comming back and get smacked in the mouth for no reason with the butt of the rifle during your training this is and your mate gets punched in the mouth when all he was doing was standing by his bed you know this is a bad idear i lasted about 2 years,then i came out got a job then met a girl that i ended up marrying now getting divorced 9 years later people wonder why im going to take my own life to me there is nothing more i can do with my life there does come a point when you cant do any more i hope my family understands this the only thing that has ever stopped me in the past is thinking of my family but i think i have come to the end im just tired of trying im physicaly and mentaly exhausted i have been down all avenues so as you can see my life has been crap and im just sorry for my family, if anyone reads this make sure before you decide to take the easy way out you try everything else fist to stay alive take care all .Sorry 1 more thing my brother put a hammer in my head 13 times just to top things off family who would have them huh.
hello :)
Im sorry for your pain. I, too know pain all too well. I know its hard. Hang in there K? :)vw