Thanks for Klonopin!
Submitted by squirrelABC on Tue, 03/24/2009 - 7:09pmSo things are going MUCH better now that I have gotten rid of the crisis intervention people. I am going to the primary care doc and she has been AWESOME. She had no problem prescribing me Klonopin with my Zoloft. I seem to be doing MUCH better on this combo. I have been going for walks again, doing laundry, even attempting to clean my room and sleeping better! I have also had more of an appetite. I am not obsessing so much and am not getting little as much either. It's awesome. I'm thinking about what my next move will be and I don't have a plan yet, but I'm sure I'll figure it out. Meanwhile I have plenty of schoolwork to do. I think I may try volunteering with the gay homeless kids. It seems like a place I would fit. WAY different crowd than the behavioral rehab kids I worked with before. Therapy is going well, she is trying some new things with me that I have never really tried before and I feel MUCH safer. More grounded. It's good. Need to set a boundary with a friend maybe, we'll see how that goes. I'm still formulating.....
Oh and I'm writing poetry again. So far so good. I'll share some maybe as I get it finished. I have like 3 half finished right now.