Two weeks ago, I decided once again that I wanted to stop taking my medications.  I had been doing okay on them since I had gotten out of the hospital in February but I couldn't get over myself starting to feel like a zombie again. 

I feel myself taking flight.  When I close my eyes, standing barefoot in the grass, I am one with the universe.  I can understand the wind.  I can speak to the birds.

I spent eight hours collecting hundreds of pictures of really intense eyes.

But something is different about it this time.  I have so much more awareness of my madness.  Its better.  Its not so scary anymore.  And because I can see it, when I start to spiral out, I'm learning to tell myself, "Hey Lex.  You're just being crazy.  Move on."  And this time I can really do that. 

Im learning to harness the immense raw power that my mind contains, without letting it get the better of me.