Drifting home: An Urban Vivisection

Currently writing a book that explores the Psychogeography of my hometown. Going to be a mix of exploration logs and fictional stories based around specific historical events within the town as well as specific locations. Hope you enjoy.

Cold. Smoke on my breath. Feel disconnected. Welcome home, who are you? Shuffle past childhood arena. Clothesline of remembered narrative, obstacles of youthful frolics pinning me down. 1-2-3! You're out!

Zine fest today!

Oh my god the zine fest is today. I am pretty excited, and as you can also see, I am staying up "late" once again.

Mad Gifts: An Art Show

The Icarus Project is curating a Northeast regional art show at Small World Coffee in Princeton, NJ for the month of November. 

flyer by TheAntisocialite ->


"Incomplete Choice"

(choice. my choice… mine?)....

"in the Sun"

“in the Sun”

Inducing the erosion of vulgarity in human form…

Layer by portion forced off from depravity, the answer was here,

Crooked Beauty Film w/ Icarus Co-Founder Ashley McNamara Premieres!

Crooked Beauty is a documentary film on the experiences of Icarus co-founder Ashley McNamara set to powerful visual images. The documentary is premiering at San Francisco's Cinematheque on April 17, at 9pm! For more info, and to see the trailer online, go to www.crookedbeauty.com. Facebook event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=116462821701469

DArk Grace with Painted Recovery

 Just a little passage/story that i wrote free verse... maybe its about me... maybe its not... i dont know, because i dont know which is me anymore.  But what i do know is they all like the medicated Emilie and i dont cry anymore... But what scares me is that maybe this is not me at all, and the truth will come out.... and they will run, and i will cry again...

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