In response to asking people to suggest ways to get regular sleep on the Facebook group for TIP, these were some good points made. This is more for me to be able to look at later if need be for the suggestions. I'm not sure about the whole light therapy thing, though. Have to think about it some more.


Me: My brain is just being stubborn and doing whatever the hell it wants to.

Me: I wish I could say that meds help me sleep well. I've tried quite a few, and most of them make me feel like a zombie, and those that don't make me feel like a zombie probably just make me forget waking up in the middle of the night because I'm no more rested than without the medicine. I'm not a fan of sleeping meds because I don't want to have to rely on them every night to get to sleep. I've tried it, not a fan.

Looking for more natural ways to help my body calm down. And I dont really mean teas or tinctures or anything like that. I guess I'm more trying to shoot towards getting my circadian rhythm normal. Anyone know anything about that?

(someone posts a link for me to look at about light therapy)

Me: I will have to try to get outside more often/more regularly and/or open up my blinds so that my room lights up in the morning. I'm not able to get a fancy shmancy light, but the sun should help, I suppose.

Me: I just hate how bright it gets outside. Ever since I was on some medications about 10 years ago that made me really sensitive to sunlight I pretty much can't have my blinds open or really go outside without squinting so much that my eyes are almost closed! I also get a headache on "normal" sunny days!

Me: Hmm....I just realized that my sleep problems and the time that I started being able to not stand sunlight coincide!

Someone suggests: I have the same problem and I was seeing flashing silver and red lights . My eye doctor said that was not a good sign. I also realize all the hospitals ive been i9n were very dark. and I stay inside a lot more. try exposing your eyes to a lighter inside first this helped me I open my shades for a while during the day. then I wore lighter sun glasses when out then i went without sunglasses. your case might be worse then mine so do what youy are comfortable with.