Since I've been having insomnia problems myself since last November, I thought it would be a good idea to find some links to sites with helpful information on ways to get to sleep.

Melatonin is one natural treatment that looks promising for the type of insomnia I have (delayed sleep phase syndrome). However, it's not recommended for people who take anti-seizure medication.

Valerian seems pretty benign, although it hasn't been tested thoroughly. I've found it works very well for anxiety.

Chamomile is another popular herb for insomnia. It may cause allergic reactions in people who are responsive to ragweed.

Calcium and magnesium are recommended for sleep by holistic health sites more than by mainstream ones - at least, that's what a quick Google search showed. The recommended ratio is 1,000 mg magnesium: 2,000 mg calcium.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is also useful for insomnia. Therapists practicing CBT try to change people's attitude about sleep. I read through a description of the technique, and, frankly, it doesn't sound like something I would want to do.

Some sites recommend 5-HTP for sleep regulation. However, since 5-HTP affects serotonin, it acts as an antidepressant- something to keep in mind.

Techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation can also help one calm down before sleep. So can lifestyle changes.

Chamomile and other herbs are also used in aromatherapy.

A number of the sites I visited said that it was important to identify the cause of the insomnia before treating it. My insomnia is due to my being anxious in the evening, and having difficulty unwinding at the end of the day. So I think I should probably focus on reducing the stress in my life and relaxing. Valerian might help, too, but I don't want to use it every day.