Denial is a fragile bitch

Can’t stand the sight of herself

I suppose that’s why these doctors

Pursue diversions

Impose faux structure and balance

With the same tired techniques<br>

Every goddamned time I try to step off the wheel

I wake up to some asshole giving me CPR

I can always trust a doctor to tackle a bad situation

And make it even worse

Then, no one reverts to dysfunctional behaviors

Because they’re effective<br>

I let the doctors imagine I’ve allowed

Their happy, clappy sentimental pap

To rent space in my head

Nod at appropriate intervals

Offer duly regurgitated bits of “insight” into my “illness”

Poor things need me to blame for the second law of thermodynamics<br>

Whether we embrace or fear it, our final moment approaches

But I elect to play an active role in my death

And they call me crazy
