Review Of The Child Savers, a book demystifying the 'polytricks' of reducing people to labels, etc.

"The problem with children, and with working class children in particualr, was that they refused to be integrated smoothly into an oppressive society. ...The child savers turned political problems into adjustment problems. Instead of seeking political solutions to the problems of young people, they chose therapeutic remedies, thereby deflecting criticisms of capitalism onto its victims."

Excerpts from The Tyranny of the Therapeutic State

Anyone dealing with the hierarchical structure of institutions these days may want to understand them better so to more meaningfully challenge those portions (or entireties) in which they feel pained by. These excerpts may be pivotal.

The Making of the Harm Reduction Guide to Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs

9 months of research, writing, editing, discussing, consulting, planning, designing, sweating, panicking, despairing, freaking out, emailing back and forth, mutual aid, dreaming, community solidarity, and crazy-outta-control mad love later, the much-awaited 40-page book about reducing and coming off psych meds hits the presses...

Latest Mania- Selling Bipolar Disorder

Related topics:
Leading UK critical psychiatrist on the soaring rates of bipolar diagnosis as a result of pharma marketing.

MIND-UK Study on How People Come Off Psych Drugs

MIND, the leading mental health charity in the UK, published this detailed study on how people experience coming off psychiatric drugs. Because they learned how unhelpful doctors can be, they changed their policy and no longer recommend people try to come off drugs only with their doctor's approval.

Download the MIND Study here.


MIND-UK Coping With Coming Off Psych Drugs Guide

MIND is the leading UK mental health charity. This is their excellent guide to coming off psychiatric drugs, available at
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