Thomas Szasz and Right-wing labeling

Character assasination of Szasz and a knee-jerk reaction by Liberals to silence all discussion get a airing out in this post!

indigenous wisdom teaches about indepth dis-ease

Time to unsettle ourselves from the enforced soma consumption of our owners! And what better way than to hear it from the very people who were never allowed to fully be a part of the dis-eased free-dumb forced on them (and everyone, if you think about it!) from the get-go? A real inspiration, those voices which have not comprimized despite experiencing all manner of reflective reality from those who believe no better is possible.

Suggestions on dealing with professional patronizers, with Diane Divoky and Peter Schrag

taking aim at the usual aim takers, these excerpts give ammo to the underdog and thier fledgling communities; and not merely for reform distraction--for authentic liberation strategy!

Ad Parody sheds crucial light on big pharma hype

"He isn't sophisticated enough to defend himself against the ideologies and weapons of those who incarcerate and indoctrinate him. And if we act quickly, we can ensure that his nascent rebellion will never find a consciously coherent expression-now or in later life."

A letter to my ageing psychology-expert father

A letter to my father backing him up radically, while coaching the idea of seeking to "hold our own" --with our intuitive champion excellence-- amongst and in the context of a heavily-propagandized colonial society with its meta orders for how its subjects "must" act at all times. Men and women (who are tired of not "fitting in"). We all have or Ordered roles to "play" but after awhile, and especially as we are forced to face the Great Unknown of passing on from this life, we naturally begin to dissent. Usually we're way too unpracticed in this, and much less articulate. Here, my father and i at least have a rudimenatry bridge. Stay tuned to possibly read an edited version of my father's possible response (tho not likely, i hope he writes me back!).

From Judi Chamberlin: The Ex-Patients' Movement: Where We've Been and Where We're Going

cemental stealth (aka mental "health") survivors articulate ideas like "sane chauvanism" and "mentalism" to denote oppressive ways of seeing folks having difficulties in living. Judi Chamberlin, published in a prestigious journal, articulates such in her overview of a mostly 1970s-1980s ex-mental patient liberation movement. Excerpts and link included.

Valuable insights from David Ingleby, re: "Ideology and the Human Sciences"

"We should recognize that the infiltration of value judgements into 'objective' terminology is not just loose talk, a psychological weakness of scientists; to classify actions which are seen as a threat to society as malignant process is a means of repression more final and devastating in its effects than any overt condemnation."--David Ingelby (important for understanding the culture of oppression in which human scientists, including psychiatrists, operate within)

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