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Insisting it is Spring in Autumn

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“You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep spring from coming.”

Pablo Neruda

Hell Beautification Project

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not to offend anyone, but this is from a dream

Some Photos from My Adventurous Outing to the Mental Hell Clinic

pill box day! so I took some pictures around town of some flowers. etc and gathered eucalyptus for healing and magic.

more on birds

wow the verdin are back

Leonard Peltier's Address and Petition

i wrote to leonard peltier again. it was a silly letter. well i wrote from the heart. it was not all silly and maybe he can get a laugh out of the silly parts. i sent him a wolf picture i drew before.

The Leafcutter Ants and the Doves

The other night I was leaning against the tree in a very comfortable spot but realized the leafcutter ants were up to something so I got out of their way, to see so many of them going by like a great river.


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