Time to unsettle ourselves from the enforced soma consumption of our owners! And what better way than to hear it from the very people who were never allowed to fully be a part of the dis-eased free-dumb forced on them (and everyone, if you think about it!) from the get-go? A real inspiration, those voices which have not comprimized despite experiencing all manner of reflective reality from those who believe no better is possible.
Ten years of hearing the Mother Goddess Hekate has lead me to understand that Judaism and Christianity are the primary cause of child abuse in western society
I shared this story at an Icarus meeting in Olympia attended by Will Hall. Will encouraged me to write it down and share it with the Icarus community at large - here it is!
Kirk told me that he, Ben and Ben's brother Nick were going to drink mushroom tea and go for a walk in the woods, and that I was welcome to join if I was so inclined.