Each group gets a collaborative checklist of tasks. To access it click 'Group tasks' in the right sidebar of your group.

Adding tasks

Just click the 'Add a task' link and the form to add a task will drop down below the checklist.

To add a task all you really need is the subject/title of the task. if you just fill out the subject and hit submit the task will be automatically be assigned to you. However, If you want to assign your task to someone else, add a description, post in multiple groups, or set a deadline or a priority, click the "[ + ] More options" link to drop down the rest of the form.

Fill out the form however you want. For 'assigned to' you can pick any username on the website - just start typing and it will autocomplete. When you're done, hit submit.

Using the checklist

By default the tasks are ordered by the time they were last updated (or created), but you can also sort them alphabetically, or by whether they've been done or not, or by their deadline by clicking the corresponding table header link (unfortunately no, you can't sort by priority). You can view the description by clicking the 'description' link, or you can edit the task by clicking the 'edit' link.

You can also view the tasks in a timeline instead of a checklist if you want (pretty cool huh?), just click the 'Timeline' tab on the checklist. The timeline is based on the deadlines of the tasks, so any tasks without deadlines will not appear. You can also view just your tasks, or anyone in one of your groups tasks, by going to the user's profile (your profile is always at https://site.icarusprojectarchive.org/user ) and clicking the 'Pending tasks' tab. It'll show only tasks that have not been completed, but you can use the 'Filter by status' form at the top to show all of them.

A word of caution

Group tasks are the similar to group contacts - if you aren't a group member, you can't even view them. If you are a group member you can edit them, check them off, whatever. So just like group contacts group admins need to be careful letting jerks into your group, they can completely destroy your checklist.