An open note to folks
who go on about 'chemtrails'
My bullshit detector's been activated once again.
One thing I've observed about 'chemtrails' (your term, not mine) is that on days when airplane exhaust is visible for an extended period there is almost always naturally occurring cirrus cloud cover present at the same time.

This suggests that for plane exhaust to become visible for extended periods at high altitudes conditions need to be already favorable for the natural formation of ice-crystal clouds of the cirrus family, meaning: (1) temperatures are extremely cold, and (2) the relative humidity is close to 100 per cent.

I would guess that humidity is the primary factor since in nature lingering clouds will form even at quite high temperatures if the air's wet enough and there is at least some particulate matter present.

On entirely clear days when the air is somewhat warmer and drier at high altitudes, I've noticed that the wakes of high-flying jets are seldom visible for more than a few seconds. The moisture they contain condenses (in much the same fashion as a car's exhaust or even your own breath does on a cold day) but if local conditions aren't already favorable for cloud formation, the condensed moisture is quickly absorbed by the surrounding air and becomes once more invisible.

Planes wreak their primary havoc in the lower atmosphere because they actually burn much of their fuel in reaching their cruising altitude, the exhaust from which is discharged directly into the pool of air we breathe from.

The effluvia from low-altitude flights will sometimes even leave a visible residue on local ground flora, as has been reported by people living near the CNE when the air show is happening. It's probably a similar situation within a few kilometers of any large airport. This doesn't even take into account the noise factor.

This is what should form the basis of any concerted challenge - not the relatively harmless lines of frozen water vapor left by high-flying jets. The folks protesting the expansion of major airports such as Heathrow are focusing their efforts on addressing these (verifiable, reality-based) issues - not the speculative fiction of 'chemtrails'.

Sorry guys, but you're never going to make a convert out of me. To my mind, if there's a 'conspiracy' afoot here its purpose is to  to get activists to literally chase shadows so the powers-that-be will be free to pursue their real fuckery without interference.