The medical model is the true failure of compassion!

Another thing that really pisses me off is when 'friends' want to shut out any alternative explanation of certain human phenomena that doesn't seek to medicalize them.

I've actually had people blow up at me and walk away in a complete snit when I try to explain why I reject psychiatry's pejorative 'diagnoses' and the false science it uses to justify them.  They seem to view it as a failure of compassion on my part.

Law Enforcement's War on the Vulnerable Continues...

The undeclared war by the police against vulnerable individuals continues.

This time it was a quiet evening stroll and a simple quest for a slice of pizza that to their eyes merited a death sentence.

Psychiatric 'Diagnoses'

These are all subjective, pejorative labels that attempt to describe in medical terms various states of acting or being, visible emotional turmoil or ways of perceiving the world that do not fit into the arbitrary mold of 'normalcy'.

Labels - I was a kid, not a frigging jar!

'Childhood schizophrenia'.

Pinned to me in 1964, at age six. The drugs soon followed - as did the 'special-ed' classes, outpatient 'treatment' at several different hospitals and finally at age sixteen, admission to a 'group home'.

It's strange they don't call it 'violence'...

It's strange that governments don't call it 'violence' when daily they send people to their deaths by deporting them.

It's strange that governments don't call it 'violence' when they send thousands of poor people to kill (or be killed by) other poor people in one senseless war after another.

'Mental Health Overhaul' = Big Brother will be walking large in Ontario

Once again the Province of Ontario is contemplating a revamp of how it delivers mental health 'services'.

What kind of 'democracy' allows this?

The sidewalks in my own neighborhood have been strewn all summer with the victims of our city 'democracy' - those souls who have literally nowhere else to lay their heads except for the concrete passageways of our 'fair city'.

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