I live in Toronto, Canada which pretty much rules out either of the species you mentioned.

I Googled the species names and found out their range doesn't extend anywhere near me. The Brown Recluse comes closest, with southern Ohio being about  as far northeast as they can be found.

The physical appearance/dimensions and habits described for the species you mentioned are also quite different from the spiders in my photo.

Turns out that what I've got are almost certainly Daddy Longlegs spiders (Not to be confused with true Daddy Longlegs, or Harvestmen as they are also known. They are an entirely different species; not even spiders).

From what I read about these critters is they originate from Europe and are essentially harmless to humans (Although urban legends apparently credit them with far deadlier attributes).

These are bigger than either hobo or recluse spiders, with long, threadlike legs spanning as much as five cm (2 inches). Unlike the ground-dwelling species you mention, these beasties inhabit the ceiling in my bathroom, where they've been spinning wispy, extremely sticky webs. (I was pointing my camera straight up to take that shot).

The young are similar but smaller, almost ethereal creatures, hardly visible unless backlit.

All the best,
