Angel Adeyoha writes: I was happy to attend the annual NASCO (North American Students of Cooperation) Institute as a representative of TIP. I presented a workshop on "Radical Mental Health on Campus and in the Community through an Anti-Oppression Lens" I have been considering so much lately how my work organizing in explicit anti-oppression circles around topics of race, gender and class converge with my work as a coordinator for TIP. This weekend and this workshop really merged those parallel lines for me.

The attendees were excited about creating dialogue and safer spaces to address mental health in their communities, both on campuses and off. We did a fun but challenging exercise to form a map of privilege and oppression with our bodies. People struggled, laughed, talked so bravely and openly. It was awesome!

The other bits of my weekend were spent being on a panel on mental health and substance abuse, and attending lots of workshops on popular education and anti- oppression. I feel energized and like I have a renewed commitment to speak up on everyone's behalf about anti-oppression. Including my own.