First PM to me From SUPERFREAK (a.k.a. Famous "XXX" Bipolar Website Administrator and Partner)

"removed this post as it is not a journal entry it reads more like a commercial"

(Note from Dyane - I just wrote a glowing review of a book I my fucking journal, for Cripe's Sake!  No one forced the Freak to read it)


"this post was pulled as it was very inappropriate on this board. you seem to want to 'tell us the truth' .. tackle everyones problems with your experience yet you admit you have only been diagnosed for a year. it is a bit condescending to everyone on this board that has 
been and is living wiht bipolar for a very long time... most being older than yourself. (Dyane says "BULLSHIT YOU SUPERFREAK - I'm 38 and there are tons of people on that board way younger than me!  Go get laid or something!) we understand your 'credentials' and your accomplishments.. and you should be proud of them, however it doesnt make anyone elses path and decesions wrong. your telling folks about your experience with a drug and sounding like everyone has been lied to for years and need to wake up. this board is for supporting each other, sharing our personal experiences.. but not coming across as that being the gospel so to say.

im not sure we are the right board for you dyane. what is it you are wanting?

Was me who pulled another of your journal entries to protect the people who might read it and be triggered by the content or feel that they could have less Faith or trust in how there pdocs are treating at XXX we encourage each person to be the best they can be..but not at the expense of another..I was going to just put a trigger on your post and then edit it but I couldn't figure out how to do it without it totally loosing it's content and since we all work together her in admin..
I pulled it..then asked the other admins how to best handle this..and I really don't think anyone is picking on you..just making it safe for all...

keep up your good works,


Dear Dyane,

Sorry you are so upset, hon. I think the problem is that while you do not mean to be condescending, your absolute certainty that you have found the right way to handle bipolar---without traditional meds---has caused some people to feel they were being looked down 
upon for the method of treatment that they do choose. I think there's a sense of you being on a mission to save others from pharma-world. One thing this board is not is the kind of place that courts controversy. And there really is little else more controversial than 
the bipolar meds vs. no meds/alternative treatments debate, i.e., old traditional meds are evil/dangerous and if you take them then you are being hoodwinked by the Big Boys.

I have been on a lot of bipolar boards and trust me, this one comes up again and again. And the proponents for both sides can get quite intense and I've seen flame wars start up. I believe that the administrator (SUPERFREAK)is just trying to keep that from happening.

There's nothing personal against you, you are a lovely person and very bright and spirited. But there are some in the group who feel threatened by the strong stance you have taken about meds. There are all sorts of people in this group--some don't take meds, some do, some wish they could but can't afford it, etc,----so you are welcome 
to join in whether you take traditional meds or not. But I think the feeling was that your posts were taking on a heavy-duty anti-meds message (DYANE SAYS NO SHIT - THEY FUCKING ALMOST KILLED ME.....AND WHY? SO BIG PHARMA EXECS COULD MAKE ANOTHER BUCK SO THEY COULD HIRE MORE HIGH PRICED PROSTITUTES TO STIMULATE THEIR LIMP VIAGRA-ADDLED GENITALS OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT) and that could cause problems around here.

I hope you can find a way to stay. Let me know how it goes.
