psychosis, out of body exp
Submitted by tessa D on Sun, 03/22/2009 - 11:27pmI had a vision in my mind in meditation class. I was repeating the word "energy" in the phrasing i had been told to repeat to myself. Then with my eyes closed I saw the sun...huge and burning and exploding and orange and vision then went through the sun and out the other side and then i could see earth from a distance. It was beautiful and it took my breath away. I was delighted with this and told the class.
This reminds me of during my first psychotic depression-in an episode i had an INCREDIBLE out of body experience. I was in a lot of pain and bed ridden...persecution from god and being hunted by an evil murderer/s (that attacks you and sits on a rocking chair by your bedside with a knife) can FEEL crippling and actually stop you from being able to move. well, i was going through all this and having back flashes of things i had blocked out (i was really threatened when i remembered the things that had happened to me) and also hearing voices and having sensations of rape and a CRAZY feeling of disgust in my stomach that was tearing me apart (it was weird, like g forces) and hearing things on the roof (telling myself i am not crazy) and wanting to cut myself again and again and having delusions and just basically feeling evil all around me and like i was on the brink of being slaughtered( i thought i was in a snuff movie) and thinking the whole world was full of crime, war and meaninglessness and violence ...then i closed my eyes on my bed and thought to my father. who is like a black hole and is so successful. a physicist,lecturer, professor at a young age...and i wondered like i did when i was a kid what it would be like to think like him...i imagined that (and i really struggled to think like this) there was a small hole to the universe in the blue sky that was black and lit up with stars. i imagined thats what he had in his mind if he meditated on it. Then i kind of reached up and i flew through this hole into space and i was traveling extremely fast. OMG i cant describe the sensations of being light years away from earth and feeling like i am moving in space. I COULD FEEL IT vividly. The craziest thing was seeing up close all these beautiful super novas and stars and galaxies... i was so moved...i had never seen anything so beautiful and i felt like crying. then i opened my eyes up and had what was like a small heart attack, my heart and left arm hurt and then i went catatonic for a few hours....i remember before passing out whilst keeping my eyes open that i wish i had killed myself before i had gotten to the point of seeing what i had seen and heard at that stage...and i cant remember what it was that made me feel that way.
oh thats all from me at this point.
i really block out alot of memories.
head injury
well i am replying to myself...oh dear. well i guess i either delete my blog or add to it or just leave it and since i cant just leave it alone without reading it over and over as though that will help me recover i have decided to add to it.
i have left out other details of my mental illness because i am too lazy to recall them and because i am so exhausted from trying to remember......and why? why it happened. eventhough i know all too well why....its just staring me in the face every time i look in the mirror. i have a big scar on my forehead. a real scar . also a dent in my skull at the back of my head and another scar. my forehead was just ripped open and a main artery above my eye also ripped open (which i nearly lost) 13 years ago and my skull pounded in the pavement at high speed about 8 or 9 times and then i bled 2 thirds of my white blood cells.
the doctors say i saved my life.
i heard my first voice after the car accident. i didnt know what had happened to me and it was night in the country and i was in shock (eventhough i just put my hand into the fleshy part of my wound i immediately forgot there was something wrong with my head) sitting on the ground in the dark just lopping over and i heard..."put pressure on your head"....a females voice, kind of i just did as she said and stopped myself from bleeding to death.
i stayed in hospital for just a few weeks until i could go to the toilet and eat etc.i was so lucky. I had a lot of morphine in hospital and pain killers. which i couldnt swallow know.
after hospital i had to go to the head injury clinic and sit tests. i passed although i didnt breeze (i suffer some poorer reflex and vision in my left eye) by and i still felt like i should be in my hospital robe. i wasnt used to wearing clothes or dressing myself at that stage. i just liked being naked and laying in bed feeling bad and depressed and like i was sinking low beneath the earth away from everything. i found it hard to be in cars. i really seriously believed that ALL cars should have roll bars and people should be forced to wear helmets. i couldnt go over 50km as a passenger and i couldnt sit on the left hand side of the car. i used to yell out my car window at cyclists who dont wear helmets - "you should be wearing a helmet!"
i started to drive to my gigs and sing again and perform and also started a painting/photography art course. the teacher really liked me and she said she could get me into 2nd year at elam art school.
i found this all too easy though and i wanted to know what i feared seemed like something i feared so i decided to go ahead with that...but this was only after a year of getting up at the crack of dawn to travel for an hour and be a waitress in town...selling coffees and food to all the fashion victims on high street and washing their dishes.- there were alot of offices and a modeling agency and a comedy club office and an art gallery etc etc in the building i worked in. so everyone was spectacular and i was a dishwasher and waitress. i had another job on the weekends as a story teller at kids birthday parties and being a sales assistant, selling cuddly toys at "the lost forest". i had had enough of both jobs.
my head injury was an indescribable experience. i seized and was in pain and shock for a while. it took under an hour to get to the hospital once the ambulance finally arrived and i had no veins for them to inject any drug into. so it was quite a traumatic experience....i still have flashbacks and indescribable dreams and sensations and visions/feelings of my teeth grinding together and it makes me fear my own mind. its all very abstract and surreal and painful at the same time...i tell myself thats a feeling/sensation/experience i know and yet i cant remember it and then i feel like i dont know myself and i get freaked out. like the year i was in pain constantly and like i am now i am mentally ill.
I keep telling myself "you know why this happened, because for one year you had non stop headaches and you remember that hell you were in? the indescribable feeling of having your head open and being brain damaged or worrried you have a brain tumor and saying your ok. having to remind yourself before seeing anyone to say you are ok and force it out and make sense of it and lie to them whilst silently saying your good byes...silently. having your heart torn out by your lover who kept leaving you because you were too disabled. forgetting what a tv was and not being able to read time or count pills or know if youve had water to drink or anything to drink and losing control of your bladder every day for a month and terrible period pain that gave you cold sweats and made you stay in the bath until you couldnt move you were so depressed and tired and you feared drowning because you just passed out. remember how you could only think of pain after it stopped and not start your life again" etc etc.
its all very well i am quoting my internal monologue because i actually say this out loud to myself. haha
i hope none of you have head injuries because its bloody unbearable at times.
I remember one day waking up after having hardly any sleep(cause i cant go to sleep due to pain) and it was early morning so still dark (this is a flashback) and it was unbearable because i was still in pain and i had no idea of what i had been doing that week or what time it was or what i would do with my day.....and i remember now reaching up into the darkness, like desperately reaching for life again. i tried to remember things all the time but my mind wouldnt allow it so i left little notes all over the floor and around the house but some things i couldnt write down how i was thinking of leaving my boyfriend for a good reason...and so then i would just forget to do it. once though after finding tons of used condoms (he told me he always threw away) around the bedroom i got so angry (he had told me to clean up the house as usual. asshole. i always cooked for him too like a machine without thinking of what i was doing) i was determined to remember my anger. so i sat in the same spot all day moving a little and waited for him to come home from work, then for the first time i could remember to complain about something. i cant talk about this much more.
thanks for reading
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams - Yeats