Below is an email I sent icarusprojectseattle introducting myself and asking for more information before I discovered the blog aspect of this website.  So, I figured I may as well post my intro here as well.  I'm really looking forward to getting to know this community here.


I saw a link to an article about mad pride on  After reading that article I quickly found links to Icarus and the Seattle group’s website.  I must say that I am immediately and irretrievably sold on this concept and your efforts, to the point that tears are streaming down my cheeks as I type this to you.  I would like to become involved with your group right away.

To start, here is a brief little blurb about me.  I have a long history of various social problems with little success at treatment.  Prior to recent history, I have been unable to learn from my past mistakes and improve unon my ability to become an integrated part of society in virtually any form.  It was not until a three week in-patient treatment for chemical dependency last August that the fog started to truly lift for me and I have been able to start making sense of the differences between me and “normal” people.  Since then, I have been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder with a tendency towards narcissism and sociopathy.  My therapist and I believe that I used to be Dissociative Identity Disorder but have over the years been able to recover enough from past abuse to now be “just” a Borderline (he considers DID as an extreme form of Borderline).

Now, back to why I am so sold on your mission.  All my life I have known that I am different; very different.  Of course there was the typical feeling of extreme social maladjustment, but in addition to that I feel like I have always had special gifts to offer as well.  However, because society in general, and individuals in particular, have never understood or accepted me as I am the curses of my differences always stood out much more than the gifts that came with them.  Part of me has never been able to understand why I have been such an outcast all my life because I’ve always felt that those of us with unusual psychic make ups bring incredibly positive diversity and energy to existence.  I have never spoken much of this feeling before even though part of me has always believed that society should learn to embrace us, not shun us as being “wrong” and simply cast us away like yesterday's refuse.  So, when I found this organization and realized that I am not alone in this feeling I was suddenly infused with an immense sense of relief, acceptance, and dare I even venture to say love.  It was quite a powerful and moving experience for me and I would like to learn more about your organization and efforts.


Tarot - Diversity is the creative foundation for all existence