So since I last wrote some interesting things have transpired. I have set very clear no contact boundaries with my family and other friends that were negative for me. It has been sheer hell. They have all emailed me and harrassed me. They all have different things to say, claiming how wretched I am....etc...

I am having to just ignore them and stay strong. I figure incest, emotional abuse and neglect, abandonment, and a couple incidents of physical abuse are enough for me to finally say "enough". I was dying literally. Now I am fighting for my survival.

I had kinda set these boundaries before, but just by distancing myself and not formally. Even though I am technically an orphan- foster care. I was not allowed to have contact as a minor but in my adulthood I sort of migrated back, bit by bit and got sucked back was time. My cousin got triangulated in somehow and emailed me, defending my mother! nuts cluster together I guess. I didn't even blame her for anything! Just said I need to have no contact. So I am not sure what she was defending but man did she do it to the death!....

I feel so very alone now and somehow just long for anyone to love me even if they also abuse me that's ok too. It's kinda sad. I am working with my therapist on this though.