It's strange they don't call it 'violence'...
Submitted by Graeme on Mon, 01/17/2011 - 12:14amIt's strange that governments don't call it 'violence' when daily they send people to their deaths by deporting them.
It's strange that governments don't call it 'violence' when they send thousands of poor people to kill (or be killed by) other poor people in one senseless war after another.
It's strange that governments don't call it 'violence' when it seems that almost daily their uniformed agents gun people down in the streets for the 'crime' of having the wrong skin color or for being in emotional crisis.
It's strange that governments don't call it 'violence' when daily people are forced to accept the Hobson's choice of either paying the rent or putting food on their families' tables.
It's strange that governments don't call it 'violence' when so much of the world's wealth is controlled by so few.
It's strange that governments don't call it 'violence' that our Mother is possibly within a single human generation of dying in agony due to thoughtless, reckless, greedy human activity.
It's strange that governments don't call it 'violence' when the true guardians of the land (in all parts of the world) are being relentlessly displaced and having their cultures destroyed in order to make way for thoughtless, reckless, greedy human activity.
It's strange that governments don't call it 'violence' that discriminatory policies affecting immigrants, Indigenous people, women, people with disabilities, LGBTQ folks and poor people in general are a standard part of every government's stock-in-trade.
It's stranger still that governments condemn 'violence' so loudly when the actions of some individual are (in fact) only emulating the words and behaviour of our political leaders.