Law Enforcement's War on the Vulnerable Continues...

The undeclared war by the police against vulnerable individuals continues.

This time it was a quiet evening stroll and a simple quest for a slice of pizza that to their eyes merited a death sentence.

It's strange they don't call it 'violence'...

It's strange that governments don't call it 'violence' when daily they send people to their deaths by deporting them.

It's strange that governments don't call it 'violence' when they send thousands of poor people to kill (or be killed by) other poor people in one senseless war after another.

What kind of 'democracy' allows this?

The sidewalks in my own neighborhood have been strewn all summer with the victims of our city 'democracy' - those souls who have literally nowhere else to lay their heads except for the concrete passageways of our 'fair city'.


Tragedy struck yet again in Toronto on the afternoon of August 29th when 25-year old Pickering, Ontario resident Reyal Jensen Jardine-Douglas was gunned down by Toronto Police as he attempted to flee from a TTC bus.

Possessed or Dispossessed?

"...mental health, and in fact most kinds of health care, are seen as personal issues that are either best dealt with by professionals or through personal choices such as alternative healthcare, healing or therapeutic communities or alternative self-help groups. What we are asking is why isn’t health, and especially mental health an issue that we more regularly see as part of our anti-capitalist politics?"

from Shift magazine in the UK

Why I find the philosophy behind 'non-violence' to be problematic

First and foremost is the fact that it can serve to re-silence and re-victimize those who have already experienced violence firsthand, and thus by default serves to exclude such innocent victims from any effective movement for social change.

Icarus National Gathering at US Social Forum in Detroit This Summer

Icaristas from near and far will be gathering at the US Social Forum in Detroit this summer, June 22-26. Join in the planning  discussion on the forums! Also check out and join the monthly community call.

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