I have felt for a long time that my relationships have had a skewed element to them.  I have never had a relationship last longer than 7 years.  Much to my despair and defeat I have been divorced twice and have felt that my "madness" contributed particularly to the demise of the last one.

However, I find reason to hope.  First of all, I am finding ways to compartmentalize my feelings.  I am actually finding that I can say this or that is over.  I do believe that the beauty of my "madness" has  been that I have taken all my experience rolled it up into one big ball and come out of it rather strong.

In this same vein, I believe that there is a reality beyond what we can see or feel or touch which is in direct parallel to our universe or that life exist beyond our rather limited perception of it.

I remain committed to affirming that I  have a blessed infirmity.