Couldn't make it to the doc today because I got a lil lost....

So I met with the stupid crisis intervention lady instead. She was ok I guess. I have an appt with the doc tommorow. I saw my therapist today, it was a REALLY good session. I just sort of went out with it if you know what I mean. Didn't hold back anything, just sort of dove in deep. What I found was pretty amazing actually. All my little ones came out and it was ok! They were ALL welcome there. I've never had that experience. She actually acted like she WANTED to see me, all of me, not just the parts that are tolerable, but all the REALLY bad parts too. I was really crying hard and when I left I felt like a weight had been lifted. It was a huge risk for me. But the results were good. Better than good actually. Unexpected in a good way. I haven't had that happen before.

So I'll cross my fingers for the doc tommorow....