I have been without solid food for three days now and I have not slept in two.  My wisdom tooth has caused my gum to swell to the size of a walnut and it will have to be removed. But... I am on Vicodine and I FEEL GREAT.  The combination of no food, no sleep, narcotics and Eric Clapton has given me a new perspective on life, well maybe not new, but it has certainly confirmed a few things for me.

1) Objective reality is an artificial creation.

2) My spirit animal is a spider.

3) Electric guitar is the most sublime instrument on the planet.

4) It is possible to reset your internal clock to the Dreamtime and when you do, life has a lot more meaning and meaning has a lot more life.

5) Purple may be my favorite color, but it is not the best tasting...It's a tie between red and orange.

6) I have taken way too much LSD in my relatively short life.

Of all the paths to enlightenment, this has got to be my favorite.