Check out this excellent looking run-down on the state of settler society today, from the perspective of the first americans:

A bit unsettling, eh? The only thing that popped up right off with me was the idea of the disease. Good choice of words in the context of how deeply psychiatrick propaganda has worked its way into the Western (europe included) psyche, tho i wish they'd said dis-ease. But it gets our attention, anyway!

This is a book (and a concept) for all of you whom have either seen the wool pulled over our collective eyes (we are ALL descendants of tribes, after all, and we are all still quite tribal, just atomized, believing we're powerless, and feeling overwhelmed, while taking it all out on ourselves, by and large), OR/AND have run through the gamut of the psychiatrick offering and its alleged "alternatives" (re: the psychotherapy school of thought). Phew, big sentence!

Anyway, these unsettler folks may do for you what i've been experiencing. Especially if you've been able to escape the cities and have found some sort of wonderous connection with the Land/nature.

Here's an excerpt (the links here won't likely work, so see the original text!) :

"In the first part of this series, we contemplated the idea of a psycho-spiritual disease of the soul that has been wreaking havoc throughout human history that Native Americans call wetiko. In part two, we inquired into how the wetiko bug disrupts and deranges a living system, using the world financial system as our case study. The wetiko virus is like a parasite that literally feeds off, takes over and aberrates the curren(t)cy of the infected system. The wetiko pathogen originally manifests as a disturbance in the field of the collective unconscious of humanity itself, creating the psychic ley lines upon which world events are erected and energized. The origin of this virulent disease is to be discovered within the psyche (please see my article It’s All in the Psyche). Because of the psychic nature of wetiko, it serves us to understand the psychological underpinnings of the virus, which is to say, how it affects our day to day relationships and lives. We begin to ‘see’ the bug when we are able to get in focus and recognize ‘its’ psychological signature in both ourselves and others. The fact that the source of the wetiko germ is within the psyche means that the cure for this disease lies hidden within the psyche as well.

"Wetiko psychosis is at the very root of humanity’s inhumanity to itself in all its various forms. As a species, we need to step into and participate with our own spiritual and psychological evolution, which means that we must focus our attention on and contemplate this ‘topic of topics’ before this virulent madness destroys us. Up until this point in our history we have been too easily distracted by the ruses of the wetiko bug itself. The disease itself is now demanding that we pay attention to it, or it will kill us. Its cure is the most pressing and fundamental issue facing us today." (...)

Starts out pritty excellently, for sure. But...then! Oh my! Skirts a fine line, a fine line indeed. The kind of fine line that can push the unwary to attack, if utilized by those without integrity, those not seeking evolutions to social challenges. Those caught up, like so many, in the will to follow along as their fellow humanity is sacrificed on the altar of scapegoating.

Do these sound like overly strong words? Well, to those whom have been crushed under the march of the call to attack by what the writer calls Big Wetikos, yes, these words are strong. Maybe too strong, if gotten "out of hand"...but then again, after almost 40 years of Rollback (see Chomsky on), i guess it can't get much

After skimming over more, i begin to realize where all the hype against the domestic parade of enemies (especially those attacked by psychiatry) may well be stemming from, originally. That is, not in depth substance, but in a superficial, settler-oriented reading of indigenous consciousness. Where someone like Freud (?) may have read indigenous metaphorical stories and taken their power and weilded it for social control purposes. Imagine some student back then (or today) skimming indigenous ideas and then rewriting them to fit into some colonial thesis--the rewards would come for a job "well done".

Note the focus on writing reflecting on the Industry. Too bad they say nothing (?) of this, eh?! But, after all, they seek to utilize a bridge that has been used to attack many of us; but this time, i think with a kind of integrity that we're unused to. I.e. beyond the perpetual Us vs Them mentality that keeps us from truly pursuing evolutionary sanity and authentic solutions!

But i guess we'll find out the bottom line when we read the book, ay?


"The culture of wetiko promotes the systematic destruction of the human heart, which when fully internalized, alienates us from everything in ourselves, save what reproduces the conditions of the system. Adopting the values of our oppressors, however, insures the continuation of our own dehumanization."

Again, this can be a fine line; who gets to be the judge in the context of words made cammoflauged and put into the crush of a thought management system that fully surrounds humanity?? I.e. "mentally ill".  And what is the value and interest of communities (we hope we are at least communities!) seeking to call out oppressors as they experience them? Shall they simply expediently (?) react with their own crushing, and not see the possible gift within the painful expression? Or even a jewel hidden there in all the seeming ugliness?

Unsettling for sure. And why i read that blog regularly!


We are all related! We can all be a part of the solutions! We are here for a purpose, a purpose more meaningful than being a mere "consumer" of the latest so-called "scientific" shell-game in mystified objectivity's clothing! And more inspiring, mutually, than getting caught up in the "tit for tat" traps of sacrificial cult(ure)! Hope you'll join the dialogue!